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→ John Simmers violin maker

Instruments for sale

Our instruments are listed in price categories to make it easier for you to view the ones that fall within your budget. The new instruments we have available have been specifically chosen to represent the best examples and offer outstanding value.  Our older instruments have been carefully selected and assessed as we only offer instruments that are in very good condition for their age. They have all been fully restored before being listed for sale.

Of course all the instruments have been personally set up by John Simmers. Even our student level instruments receive a great deal of attention to ensure that they are well made and easy to play.

When you buy an instrument from Simmers Violins, you have the reassurance of knowing that you can always bring it back to us for any repairs or maintenance it requires. We are always very pleased to see you and your instrument again!

While we aim to keep the listing on our website up to date, this is not always possible. It is always advisable to contact us if you are interested in a particular instrument or level of instrument. Please note that any photos of instruments in the listings are not necessarily the actual instrument listed for sale.