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→ John Simmers violin maker


Simmers Violins is situated in a lovely leafy street, in the inner city Brisbane suburb of Red Hill. We have ample unrestricted on street parking and are close to a number of regular bus routes from the city. The Airport Train takes you to Roma Street Station, which is only a short bus or taxi ride away.

As a busy small business, it may seem that we can be difficult to contact at times. We do not have the luxury of having a receptionist! These days, there are so many ways to contact each other that it may be hard to know the best way to get in touch. Please try to make contact with us by telephoning or texting the shop number. We always try to answer your call, but if your call goes through to our voice mail, be assured that we must be busy at the workbench or assisting a customer, so please leave a detailed message and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Our business hours are by appointment between 9am and 5pm Monday to Saturday. Please do not turn up at the workshop without first making an appointment. This allows us to fit you into our workflow and make sure we can allocate an appropriate amount of time to you so we can give you our full and undivided attention.

Shop telephone 0408 217 560 – please leave a message if there is no answer.